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Mate inspired by the most desired cup by all football fans in the world: The FIFA World Cup.
After months of development we managed to produce this unique and unrepeatable product, which is removable and consists of two parts:
Its base, which is represented by two human figures, is separated from its upper part, "the planet", which is supported by outstretched arms. This adaptation was made so that the mate can be handled and shared comfortably, thus facilitating its use.
We cannot fail to mention "Silvio Gazzaniga", an Italian sculptor who created this beauty of contemporary art, and as Diego Maradona well knew, it weighs 6,132 kilograms.
As additional information, the teams that win the World Cup have the privilege of recording the name of the nation in its original language.

Additional information about the product:

The material mostly used for the creation of the WORLD CUP Mate product is polylactic acid, better known as "PLA",
Due to its abbreviation in English (Polyatic Acid), it has characteristics similar to polyethylene terephthalate,
abbreviated "PET", materials which are biodegradable.
In addition, "PLA" is a thermoplastic which is obtained from 100% renewable resources.
The product includes bulb with spring filter

Diameter: 10cm
Height: 25cm

Base / Matte Carrier:
Diameter: 10cm
Height: 19.5

Planet / Mate:
Diameter: 10cm
Height: 8.5cm