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  • Kiricocho Av. Triunvirato 4135, Villa Urquiza, Buenos Aires - Atención de Lunes a Sábado de 10 a 20 hs.
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Pack of 4 Socks ARQUEROS ARGENTINOS | Football Socks

Honor each goalkeeper of Argentina with this pack of 4 Arqueros Argentinos socks, designed for true football fans.

Inspired by the iconic shirts of the guardians of the goal, these football socks and sports socks combine style and comfort. Perfect to complement your football gear or as gifts for men who live the passion for the sky-blue and white.

Made by the best sportswear brands, these long socks are ideal for adding to your football outfits, perfect for those who carry the football DNA with every step.

-Buzo Goyco 12 Socks
-Dibu 23 Socks
-Pumpido 18 Socks
-Filliol 5 Socks

We are Kiricocho, the exclusive brand for those who know football. ⚽